
Drug Discovery


A US based biotech company aims to increase the quality of life for patients with degenerative diseases by treating and extending their healthspan. The research scientists needed to identify proteins that have rejuvenating properties for treatment of a specific disease called Sarcopenia, a special form of Myopathy, where individuals lose their ability to regenerate their skeletal muscles.

Drug Discovery


Research and experimentation was not yielding the number of proteins needed for the next stage of discovery. Each of the 20,000 proteins had 20,000 features which needed to be analyzed to identify a true positive.

The traditional approach to assessing each protein during the search phase woudl cost roughly around $2,000 per protein, which equated to a cost of $40 million of all the proteins were evaluated through wet lab experiments. The client’s goal was to reduce the cost and tim eof analyzing proteins during the research phase.

Drug Discovery


Drug Discovery

The client wanted to use NLP to comb through scientific journals and solidify the protein search based on the specific disease being analysed and different predicted proteins. This would help speed up the process by proving the alignment of contemporary scientific literature with the findings.

To tackle the issue of dealing with unlabeled data, engineers used techniques to produce pseudo lables which help the AI model make better predictions. In short, this solution involved taking the “unknown” proteins, making predictions on them, then taking the proteins that have been predicted positive and feeding them into the model again for training, but this time as labeled examples.


Of the 20,000 proteins, each with 20,000 unique features, the AI/ML system the Fuse Team developed in 4 months predicted and ranked an ordered list of the top 100 proteins with rejuvenating properties the clients requested. Out of the 10 proteins that were chosen to conduct experiments on, 8 were found to be true positives, far exceeding the clients expectation of 1.

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